| Memory
- 32mb RAM minimum, 64-128mb preferred
- EDO or ECC preferred
 | Disk System
- Adaptec AHA-2940UW Wide UltraSCSI controllers
- Seagate Wide UltraSCSI hard drives
- 8x speed OK
- El Torrito compatible (system bootable)
- Tape Backup
- SCSI 4mm DAT Mechanism (Seagate, H-P)
- 2-8Gb options (consider media $ as well)
 | Network
- 3Com 3C905 Fast Ethernet adapter (10/100Mbs)
 | Case & environmental
- Tower case preferred (mid-full)
- Large P/S (300 Watt or better)
- American Power UPS (420VA or better)
- "nice to have"
- specialty case (especially for drive bays & cooling, i.e. CD farm)
- screwless access to components
- additional cooling w/ monitoring & alarm
- redundant power supply
 | Video
- PCI Video adapter
- 15" digital monitor
 | Add-On's
- 33.6k-56k modems or ISDN (for RAS support)
- CSU/DSU for leased lines up to T-1
- additional RAM
- additional hard disks
- additional CD-ROMs
- additional print server ports
 | Windows NT Server
- 5 user entry level
- Add users by individual or multiples
- Bundled w/ IIS & FrontPage (built-in Web or Intranet service)