| 400Mhz Pentium II with 512k L2 cache |
 | Gigabyte GA-6BXC
Mainboard |
 | 19" Optiquest V95 Monitor 1600x1280
resolution |
 | Western Digital Caviar 10Gb UltraDMA EIDE HD
Master |
 | Maxtor DiamondMax 8Gb UltraDMA EIDE HD Slave |
 | 40x CD-ROM |
 | 10x24x32 CD-RW from Plextor |
 | Iomega Zip-100 |
 | 8 MB Matrox G-200 AGP Graphics Accelerator |
 | 128 MB 8NS PC100 SDRAM |
 | 3COM 3c905-TX Ethernet Adapter |
 | 3COM 56K V.90 PCI Fax/Modem |
 | Sound Blaster 128 PCI Sound Card |
 | Altec Lansing ACS-44 Speakers with Subwoofer |
 | DSL connection at 384k provided by www.intelos.net