rem Be sure to rename this file to daily.cmd vs. daily.txt rem In this example "hpdc" is the name of the exchange server rem rem Check the on-line help within NTbackup for explanation of rem the syntax and switch usage. @Echo off Echo. Echo. Echo Creating header for daily.log file... Echo. Echo Daily Backup Log for Firm > d:\backup\daily.log Echo ----------------------------------------- >> d:\backup\daily.log now Backup Started >> d:\backup\daily.log Echo. >> d:\backup\daily.log Echo ----------------------------------------- >> d:\backup\daily.log Echo Starting daily backup... : ntbackup backup C:\ D:\ /V /D "Daily Backup" /B /HC:ON /L "D:\backup\daily.log" /E ntbackup backup DS \\hpdc IS \\hpdc /A /V /D "Exchange Backup" /B /HC:ON /L "D:\backup\daily.log" /E : rem ntbackup backup DS \\hpdc /D "Exchange Backup" /B /HC:ON /L "D:\backup\daily.log" /E : Echo Finishing daily backup... Echo ----------------------------------------- >> d:\backup\daily.log now Backup Ended >> d:\backup\daily.log Echo. >> d:\backup\daily.log Echo ----------------------------------------- >> d:\backup\daily.log Echo. Echo. Echo Combining daily and cumulative logs (will create cumulative if needed) : if not exist d:\backup\cumulative.log echo. > d:\backup\cumulative.log copy d:\backup\daily.log+d:\backup\cumulative.log d:\backup\cumulative.tmp del d:\backup\cumulative.log ren d:\backup\cumulative.tmp cumulative.log Echo. Echo. rem Echo Preparing to print daily.log Echo. rem print d:\backup\daily.log Echo. Echo Waiting two minutes for tape to rewind before ejecting... sleep 120 ntbackup eject Echo. Echo Complete!